Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Coming Soon...

OK, here's the plan...

Each day, someone connected with Water Street Rescue Mission will be posting a short article/essay/stream of conciousness rant about life at WSRM from that person's unique perspective. From day to day you will encounter various perspectives (clients, guests, counselors, chaplains, program director, volunteers, etc) on homelessness, poverty, urban life, ministry, God, addictions, community, or whatever is on our mind.

Our hope is that if you come back to visit occasionally, you will come away with a better understanding of what life and ministry at Water Street Rescue Mission is really like, and hopefully what God is doing in the lives of all of us here.

It may take a while to get this up and flowing on an every day basis, but bear with us and hopefully within a few weeks we will have daily posts on a consistent basis.

To learn more about what WSRM is all about, check out our website at www.wsrm.org.

Peace -
Jack Crowley
Director of Teen Haven (WSRM)