Hi Everyone!
Just want to let you know that our blog is still active and growing, but in a new location. We are now hosting the Water Street Life blog on our main Water Street Ministries website. We will continue to maintain this site as an archive of our older stories, so feel free to look around and get a taste of God's work through the years, but to see what's happening today, come visit our new blog location by clicking on the title of this post or visiting:
And as always check out our website for other important news and to learn more about all of Water Street Ministries by visiting:
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Reason We Serve
Rachel Scarborough
Development Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
“I can tell you two things;- there is a God, and He loves you very much. And there is a devil, and he will do anything to stop you from getting where God wants you. So my advice to you is to pray, and I’ll pray for you too,” said Brandy*.
It was Wednesday night and the girls were all down at the campfire. One of the girls, Stacey*, shared a touching story about her dad and how he had abandoned their family. That’s when Brandy, another camper, spoke up and gave her some encouraging words. It was the first time I had witnessed an interaction between campers at the campfire. Usually the girls shared testimonies and the counselors would listen and minister to them as needed. However, this camper was brave enough to speak up and tell her fellow camp mate that she wasn’t alone. The camp fire continued in this manner. Older girls were comforting younger girls and offering advice, and some campers were even comforting counselors.
As I listened to a little girl named Becky share a story about getting raped, it hit me. This moment is the reason I serve. Everything that we as counselors go through and endure is all in order for these girls to get to this moment. The moments where they can get up at a campfire and share their story with other girls, who knows how it feels or who need to hear that it’s possible to come out on the other side. The moment when they realize Jesus loves them and wants to be a part of their lives.
As Becky sat down, I got up. I was going to share my story with these girls. A journey of how I found hope, renewal, and the unfailing love of Jesus Christ.

Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
*Name has been changed to protect privacy.
Development Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
“I can tell you two things;- there is a God, and He loves you very much. And there is a devil, and he will do anything to stop you from getting where God wants you. So my advice to you is to pray, and I’ll pray for you too,” said Brandy*.
It was Wednesday night and the girls were all down at the campfire. One of the girls, Stacey*, shared a touching story about her dad and how he had abandoned their family. That’s when Brandy, another camper, spoke up and gave her some encouraging words. It was the first time I had witnessed an interaction between campers at the campfire. Usually the girls shared testimonies and the counselors would listen and minister to them as needed. However, this camper was brave enough to speak up and tell her fellow camp mate that she wasn’t alone. The camp fire continued in this manner. Older girls were comforting younger girls and offering advice, and some campers were even comforting counselors.
As I listened to a little girl named Becky share a story about getting raped, it hit me. This moment is the reason I serve. Everything that we as counselors go through and endure is all in order for these girls to get to this moment. The moments where they can get up at a campfire and share their story with other girls, who knows how it feels or who need to hear that it’s possible to come out on the other side. The moment when they realize Jesus loves them and wants to be a part of their lives.
As Becky sat down, I got up. I was going to share my story with these girls. A journey of how I found hope, renewal, and the unfailing love of Jesus Christ.

Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
*Name has been changed to protect privacy.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Thing About Prayer
Rachel Scarborough
Communications Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
“Rachel! …Rachel!” I turned around to see Jamie *, one of the junior counselors, running up to me out of breath. “Have you seen Bandit?!” she asked me, with a hint of concern in her voice. “We haven’t seen him at all, and usually he’s around by now.” Bandit was one of Teen Haven’s oldest editions. He was a 12- year- old cat that Gina Frey, the former camp cook, had raised. I personally didn’t like him that much, but the campers really loved him and fed him every night. “I’m sure he’s fine,” I said. “After all, how far could he have gone?”
By eleven thirty that night Bandit still hadn’t shown up, and fellow counselors Rebecca*, Tamera*, and I were all slightly worried. “What are we going to do if this cat is dead?” Rebecca said. I didn’t know. Bandit had been around so long that if he died it would actually be sad. Tamera suggested we pray for his return. Although it sounded weird, we did anyway. “He’ll turn up; just wait, because God is good like that.”
We all went to bed hoping Tamera was right.
The next morning Bandit showed up, to my surprise. His return was a blessing and a reminder. Sometimes as Christians we forget that no prayer request is too little for God. But the reality is God hears all our prayers, even the ones about a cat named Bandit.
Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
*Name has been changed to protect privacy.
Communications Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
“Rachel! …Rachel!” I turned around to see Jamie *, one of the junior counselors, running up to me out of breath. “Have you seen Bandit?!” she asked me, with a hint of concern in her voice. “We haven’t seen him at all, and usually he’s around by now.” Bandit was one of Teen Haven’s oldest editions. He was a 12- year- old cat that Gina Frey, the former camp cook, had raised. I personally didn’t like him that much, but the campers really loved him and fed him every night. “I’m sure he’s fine,” I said. “After all, how far could he have gone?”
By eleven thirty that night Bandit still hadn’t shown up, and fellow counselors Rebecca*, Tamera*, and I were all slightly worried. “What are we going to do if this cat is dead?” Rebecca said. I didn’t know. Bandit had been around so long that if he died it would actually be sad. Tamera suggested we pray for his return. Although it sounded weird, we did anyway. “He’ll turn up; just wait, because God is good like that.”
We all went to bed hoping Tamera was right.
The next morning Bandit showed up, to my surprise. His return was a blessing and a reminder. Sometimes as Christians we forget that no prayer request is too little for God. But the reality is God hears all our prayers, even the ones about a cat named Bandit.
Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
*Name has been changed to protect privacy.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

"I was glad to have met you this morning" one friend of the ministry wrote to a WSM staff person who had visited her just one day before. "I feel you are involved in a wonderful ministry. It's important that we help those in need who are among us, and minister to their spiritual needs as well, that they may hear God's plan of salvation and come to know Jesus." Enclosed with the note was a $500.00 donation.
It was kindness like this from many of you this Spring that made for an exciting Revive Campaign, and invitation for individuals to revive their financial partnership with Water Street Ministries. Many churches revived their partnership with us as well, saying they wanted to make more of an impact locally.
Plus, during the Revive, three anonymous friends of the ministry provided generous donations to launch a special May challenge. Many of you responded, and we are so thankful for the results.
All together, we received $611,793 in donations between April 1 and May 31 toward our $875,000 Revive Campaign goal. Thank you to everyone who gave. Your generosity helped us take a step forward in tackling our deficit while allowing us to impact over 2,000 individuals this Spring in spiritual and practical ways. Together, we're changing one life at a time.
If you didn't get to participate in Revive, it's not too late to send a special gift. Just click here to donate online. Link to:
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Trail
Rachel Scarborough
WSM Development Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
The woods were sticky and dark as Chanea, the girls’ director of Philadelphia, and I brushed aside branches, striving to see the barely visible path we were walking on. We were playing a new night game called Counselor Hunt, where the entire counseling staff hid and all the campers had to find us. I was excited for the game until Chanea suggested we go on an old nature trail. When the game started the sun was just slipping behind the trees and fireflies were beginning to decorate the air, but as we walked the trail it seemed as if the darkness enveloped us like a blanket, thick and quiet. “Chanea!” I whispered with a hint of fear, "I can’t see anything! How much longer do we have to be here?” She sighed, “Um, I don’t know but I don’t hear the kids...” She paused. At that moment we heard the sounds of an unrecognizable animal, Caw, caw, caw! Without a second glance I took off running like a character out of a safari movie, pushing branches out of my face, and jumping trees as fast as I could, leaving Chanea no choice but to run as well.
Luckily, for Chanea and I the animal never showed its face and the campers never caught us. However, the whole experience reminded me of the Christian walk. Sometimes God takes us down paths that we are scared to follow or aren’t familiar with. However, instead of trusting Him we turn and run for cover at the first sign of hardship because of our fear. I didn’t run because I saw an animal, I ran because of the fear I had that those sounds would materialize into something I would be afraid of. Remember our God isn’t one of fear but of courage.
Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
WSM Development Intern
Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.
The woods were sticky and dark as Chanea, the girls’ director of Philadelphia, and I brushed aside branches, striving to see the barely visible path we were walking on. We were playing a new night game called Counselor Hunt, where the entire counseling staff hid and all the campers had to find us. I was excited for the game until Chanea suggested we go on an old nature trail. When the game started the sun was just slipping behind the trees and fireflies were beginning to decorate the air, but as we walked the trail it seemed as if the darkness enveloped us like a blanket, thick and quiet. “Chanea!” I whispered with a hint of fear, "I can’t see anything! How much longer do we have to be here?” She sighed, “Um, I don’t know but I don’t hear the kids...” She paused. At that moment we heard the sounds of an unrecognizable animal, Caw, caw, caw! Without a second glance I took off running like a character out of a safari movie, pushing branches out of my face, and jumping trees as fast as I could, leaving Chanea no choice but to run as well.
Luckily, for Chanea and I the animal never showed its face and the campers never caught us. However, the whole experience reminded me of the Christian walk. Sometimes God takes us down paths that we are scared to follow or aren’t familiar with. However, instead of trusting Him we turn and run for cover at the first sign of hardship because of our fear. I didn’t run because I saw an animal, I ran because of the fear I had that those sounds would materialize into something I would be afraid of. Remember our God isn’t one of fear but of courage.
Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Farewell to a good friend

"I appreciated your willingness to be vulnerable by acknowledging your own weaknesses with us. I often thought, if you (as the Director) are willing to do that, I should be too - if I want to grow in Christ."
"I never met anybody who 'kept it real' like you."
"You modeled for us what it meant to live authentically as a Christian man."
"You taught me to see myself as God sees me."
"You made me look at myself - for the first time."
"You taught me to value grace which I 'trampled on' for most of my life."
"You've been an important part of my journey."
"I'm grieving that you are leaving."
"I've known Aaron since the first day he came here. He has helped both my self and my husband in our struggles."
The photo above shows the men praying for Aaron at his last chapel at WSM. Our thoughts and prayers are with Aaron as his journey with Christ takes him to his new role in Salem. We are grateful to God for his time here and the impact he had on the ministry, the men, and all of us.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Overwhelmed by Change
How often has any one of us been overwhelmed by the expectation of change? External changes can disrupt many things in our day. But what about internal changes? How do we respond when God is asking us to think differently, respond differently or allow ourselves to feel again?
I am amazed as I watch the power of God at work in the lives of the women who come to the Lydia Center, who everyday are challenged to face change. Most often fear is the obstacle to that change. Fear of failing, fear of the unknown and often fear of being overwhelmed with emotions that have been avoided or buried for many, many years. This frequently brings each of them to a crossroads in their journey of change. Do they take the risk or do they stay where they are? As we encourage the ladies to turn their eyes upon Jesus it also reassures me that I can do likewise in my own journey of change. As King David wrote, “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock [that] is higher than I. (Ps. 61:2 KJV).
Tina Hildebrand
Lydia Center Counselor
I am amazed as I watch the power of God at work in the lives of the women who come to the Lydia Center, who everyday are challenged to face change. Most often fear is the obstacle to that change. Fear of failing, fear of the unknown and often fear of being overwhelmed with emotions that have been avoided or buried for many, many years. This frequently brings each of them to a crossroads in their journey of change. Do they take the risk or do they stay where they are? As we encourage the ladies to turn their eyes upon Jesus it also reassures me that I can do likewise in my own journey of change. As King David wrote, “From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock [that] is higher than I. (Ps. 61:2 KJV).
Tina Hildebrand
Lydia Center Counselor
Monday, June 13, 2011
Growing in Service
For many years, one of the Water Street Mission’s good friends has been Friendship Community an organization that supports individuals with intellectual disabilities. At one of their recent Expressions of Love & Praise worship service, the topic for the evening was on “Sharing.” As a practical way to express sharing, individuals were invited to bring extra coats to share with the Water Street Mission.
During the service, the question was raised – “Do we just share the extra things we have with others or would we share our favorite possession if we were asked to? Many of us honestly expressed our hesitation to give up our favorite things.
As the service was coming to a close, one of Friendship’s individuals walked to the front of the church carrying her coat. She whispered to Milt Stoltzfus, who was leading the service, that she wanted to give her favorite coat to someone who needed it. Milt asked her if she was sure that she wanted to do this. She responded by saying, “It’s my favorite coat, and it’s the right thing to do.”
Thank you, clients of Friendship Community, for being such a powerful example of how to love through sharing.
This post was cowritten by:
Milt Stoltzfus • Friendship Community, Spiritual Nurture and Community Life
Maria Schaszberger • Water Street Ministries, Director of Communications
During the service, the question was raised – “Do we just share the extra things we have with others or would we share our favorite possession if we were asked to? Many of us honestly expressed our hesitation to give up our favorite things.
As the service was coming to a close, one of Friendship’s individuals walked to the front of the church carrying her coat. She whispered to Milt Stoltzfus, who was leading the service, that she wanted to give her favorite coat to someone who needed it. Milt asked her if she was sure that she wanted to do this. She responded by saying, “It’s my favorite coat, and it’s the right thing to do.”
Thank you, clients of Friendship Community, for being such a powerful example of how to love through sharing.
This post was cowritten by:
Milt Stoltzfus • Friendship Community, Spiritual Nurture and Community Life
Maria Schaszberger • Water Street Ministries, Director of Communications
Friday, June 10, 2011
A Great Servant and Legacy at Teen Haven

One person who has left this type of footprint in the lives of Teen Haven was Mr. Jesus Ruiz. His spirit of selfless servanthood, and encouragement have inspired the youth and staff at our Lancaster Center beyond words.
Although he has gone home to be with the Lord, his legacy will continue to encourage others to follow closer after Christ.
The above photo of Jesus Ruiz was taken by a Teen Haven student, Danielys Cubilete, during a photo project with the Restore Leadership Program on the theme of "WHO IS RESTORING LANCASTER CITY. "
Read as some of our staff share about Jesus' life:
Jesus Ruiz was a phenomenal human being. His joy, his love for Christ, others and the community are amazing features that Jesus had. He was one great servant here at Teen Haven, from mowing our lawn, to raking leaves, washing company and at times staff vehicles. He is truly going to be missed by the staff and all the students here at Teen Haven that he impacted by his servant attitude, he was a grandfather to many.
We will miss having him over for a volunteer appreciation lunch, giving him a sweatshirt, T-Shirt, etc. as a gift for Christmas. It was truly a pleasure to know this man of God and the light that he was wherever he went will never go out. He was and is truly a light to our dark world.
Now he gets to be with the Light of the world - knowing Jesus Ruiz he's probably trying to wash the streets of Gold or Jesus feet. LOL, that man couldn't be slowed down, he enjoyed life to the fullest each and every day. He was a man with no regrets, he was a man that was thankful to have life. What a great neighbor, what a great friend, what a great volunteer, what a great servant of Christ, we had the privileged of knowing.
Jose Jimenez • Lancaster Field Director
Every time I see his cars my eyes get watery, Mr. Jesus was an amazing man of God, every time I spoke to him he encouraged me by preaching the gospel. His life completely revolved around Jesus and he proved that to me countless times.
A few days after open heart surgery he was working in the back of Teen Haven WOW!!! I will never forget Mr. Jesus he is in heaven now without any pain or suffering I will miss him dearly. But we will see each other again praise God.
Johnny Vega • Lancaster Boys Program Coordinator
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Homelessness is not Hopelessness

Take for example my roommates. The 3 women I share a dorm room with are all exceptionally bright, outgoing women who have all faced adversity of one kind or another head on and didn’t back down. They are courageous in their individual battles against homelessness but I know will be behind me in my struggle just as they know I am there for them. Black Martha, Blackie and Big Mama are the nicknames they were given here in our room upon their arrivals and will always be.
2 of our 4 will be departing soon to move on in their lives and grow further into happy fulfilled women. Many think that homelessness is a permanent solution to irresponsibility and addiction. In most cases there is no other option but to come to the Mission for help and guidance.
As we journey through life there is and always will be joyous times and tumultuous times.
God is there for each and every one of them…even if you’re homeless. Homelessness is not hopelessness.
Lamentations 3:25, 26 (NKJV), “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”
Revelation 22:21 (NKJV), “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”
- Sue, "Eyes Without A Home"
Friday, June 03, 2011
An Intro - 'Eyes Without A Home'

Hi! Our names are Sue and Nancy. We are both residents of the Women’s Shelter and both of us are part of what is known as ‘program.’ We are collaborating with staff to give you an inside perspective on what it is like to be homeless at Water Street. We hope that it is both informative and inspirational as you follow along with us on our journeys. But first a few words by way of introduction…
Sue is a Canadian. She first came to Water Street Ministries on August 2, 2010. She entered Community Shelter first and slept on mats for four months before moving up to Emergency Shelter on the 4th floor of Kuhn’s Hall. She is currently working on finding employment and housing while in the Woman's Program.
Nancy first came to Water Street Ministries on September 1, 2010 after being homeless for 9 months. Nancy is currently working at Brethern Village as a CNA. She is also working on housing with Tabor Community Services.
Both Sue and Nancy are thankful for the opportunity to share our experiences of homelessness with you. We hope that you will interact with us and respond to the blog. Any suggestions or questions for topics are welcome as well. We are working on having this put into book form and excited for next steps. Please pray for us as we look for the openings that are provided.
Sue is a Canadian. She first came to Water Street Ministries on August 2, 2010. She entered Community Shelter first and slept on mats for four months before moving up to Emergency Shelter on the 4th floor of Kuhn’s Hall. She is currently working on finding employment and housing while in the Woman's Program.
Nancy first came to Water Street Ministries on September 1, 2010 after being homeless for 9 months. Nancy is currently working at Brethern Village as a CNA. She is also working on housing with Tabor Community Services.
Both Sue and Nancy are thankful for the opportunity to share our experiences of homelessness with you. We hope that you will interact with us and respond to the blog. Any suggestions or questions for topics are welcome as well. We are working on having this put into book form and excited for next steps. Please pray for us as we look for the openings that are provided.
... Stay tuned for our next post called "Homelessness is not Hopelessness."
- Sue & Nancy, "Eyes Without A Home"
Monday, May 23, 2011
Former Graduate shares from their heart

The following post has been shared by a former graduate of the Men's Life Recovery Program at the Water Street Mission.
"I hardly know where to start to express my gratitude to the Mission. The one thing I do know is I need to thank the supporters of the Mission. I want to thank those who give both financially and most importantly those that pray. The battles that each of us fight are not against the things seen but unseen. (2 Cor. 10:3-5 and Eph. 6:12)
In the past, my thoughts were faulty and defective. Now my present is already beyond my wildest dreams. NO way do I think my thoughts, attitudes and behaviors are gone. They keep showing up in one form or another. BUT, GOD IS FAITHFUL!
Below, I've included a portion of the commencement speech I made.
It is true that despite a mental illness, a stroke during my stay at the Mission and other difficulties, God is TRULY faithful!
I've been able to start my own business while still keeping my focus on him. When I came to the Mission I didn't care if I lived or died. Now most of the time I realize my presence is in the “Fellowship of the Unashamed,” which I shared as the second part of my commencement speech.
The Fellowship of the Unashamed
I am part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed."
The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made. I am a disciple of
Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down,
back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present
makes sense, and my future is secure.
I am finished and done with low living, sight walking,
small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams,
chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position,
promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I now live by
presence, lean by faith, love by patience,
lift by prayer, and labor by power. My pace
is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my
road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few,
my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought,
compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back,
diluted, or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the
presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander
in the maze of mediocrity.
I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until
Heaven returns, give until I drop, preach until all know,
and work until He comes. And when He comes to get
His own, He will have no problem recognizing me.
My colors will be clear.
I am not ashamed of the gospel . . . Romans 1:16
Some goals, hopes, and dreams are in there. I again want to thank the supporters of the Mission for giving my life and many others a chance."
From a former Graduate of the Men’s LifeRecovery Program at Water Street Mission
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Rainy Days and Tear-filled Moments

Today was another wet, cloudy day in our week. For some reason I felt dreary and heavy inside just like the weather outside. After lunch Jerome* made a large furniture delivery. Jerome* was feeling bummed after a difficult morning too.
We met the mom who was receiving the furniture and began to carry in the 6 beds, dressers, sofa, chairs, desk, kitchen table and other goodies. She is receiving her children back home and needed furniture for them.
Partway through unloading the truck she received a phone call and she began to weep while she told the person on the phone about the blessing she was receiving. After we finished Jerome* and I prayed with her and encouraged her to see this gift as a demonstration of God’s love for her and her children. We also encouraged to check out Crossroads Mennonite since she lives just down the street.
As we were getting back in the truck to go home the morning weight had lifted and Jerome commented that he needed the experience of that delivery today. I hope that can encourage you today no matter what you may be facing - know that God loves you.
Partway through unloading the truck she received a phone call and she began to weep while she told the person on the phone about the blessing she was receiving. After we finished Jerome* and I prayed with her and encouraged her to see this gift as a demonstration of God’s love for her and her children. We also encouraged to check out Crossroads Mennonite since she lives just down the street.
As we were getting back in the truck to go home the morning weight had lifted and Jerome commented that he needed the experience of that delivery today. I hope that can encourage you today no matter what you may be facing - know that God loves you.
*name changed
Dean Wenger • Redistribution Manager, Water Street Ministries
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
Dean Wenger • Redistribution Manager, Water Street Ministries
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bigger than a Birthday Gift - Lydia Center

Our team at the Lydia Center had a new resident come to us in January, and she accepted the Lord in March. On Wednesday of this week we took her to the dentist where she spent the whole day getting dental work. After her visit was finished, she was given a prescription for vicodin.
As my birthday gift for today, she told me that she had a victory yesterday.
She went on to explain that she could have smoked a cigarette during her visit at the dentist since she was on her own all day. Yet, she didn’t. And, she could have filled the prescription for vicodin, which would have led her back to her addiction, but she didn’t - in fact she returned the prescription to the dentist.
She said that she just kept thinking that she didn’t want to come back here and have a secret. It is so exciting to the work of the Holy Spirit in this new believer!
Melissa Alcorn • Executive Director, Lydia Center
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Salvation has come!!

Our 4-year-old Kindergarten class at Wonder Club Early Learning Centers in Lancaster is currently learning about the wordless book. Throughout the year we have also been studying the question “Who is God?"
We have been inviting the children to come up to us during the day if they want to ask Jesus into their hearts. It's been such a blessing when we've had the privilege of praying with our students as they make decisions for the Lord. Each prayer is a time of celebration. Recently, we had four children ask Jesus into their hearts in one day.
Here is another story of God's love at work in the life of one of the students in my class...
As I was beginning my day. One of my little boy students came into class and ran up to me. He told me that last night when his brother was sleeping he asked Jesus into his heart. I said great what did you say? He said, "I prayed, and said 'Jesus come into my heart.'" Wow! Isn’t this exciting? Please pray for these young children as they are babes in Christ.
Karen Smith • Assistant Teacher, Wonderclub Early Learning Centers
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
Karen Smith • Assistant Teacher, Wonderclub Early Learning Centers
Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
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