At the Lydia Center, Water Street Rescue Mission’s long-term recovery program for women, God Box Moments describe the little miracles that happen every day. Here’s one from a client named Nicole:
As a recovering heroin addict, I had been told that the veins in my arm were shot from using intravenously. So whenever I have needed blood work, the nurse would take it from my hand instead of my arm. When I went in most recently to have blood taken, the phlebotomist pricked my hand twice and couldn’t get anything.
She sent for another nurse who came in and immediately grabbed for my arm. I resisted and told her that my veins were shot. She asked why, and I explained about my addiction. She asked if she could check anyway, saying that sometimes the veins come back. Doubting her, I said yes... and then she said something that blew my mind.
She proceeded to tell me that she had also been a heroin addict, but she got sober when she was 21 and has been sober ever since. I’m guessing she was in her late forties or early fifties.
There are many lessons God showed me through this interaction. First, when He says you are a new creation in Christ, he means it! My veins are healed! He also sent me a message of hope through this vessel of a woman. He said, “How much more than sobriety can you have if you follow me!”