Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Coworkers sharing God's heart
While growing up I had a father that I went to usually as a last resort. I tended to transfer that to my relationship with God and still struggle, at times, with a hesitancy in approaching “the throne” to talk with God.
I’ve been at Water Street Ministries for over a month now but had some questions this week about shelter and counseling session related procedures and went to a co-worker. I know that she is very busy but when I approached her with my questions she talked to me so receptively that I never felt that I was an interruption or inconvenience at all. She reminds me of that part of God’s heart that encourages me to boldly approach the throne. It also encourages me to do the same when I cross paths here with anyone, whether client, co-worker, or stranger, so I, too, can reflect God’s heart to those around me.
Christina Lickmann • Program Counselor, Water Street Mission
Residents Impacting Staff through Sharing

I am a firm believer that offering a smile or a kind word affirms the value of someone who is homeless. Even if it’s short, a healthy interaction can make someone feel alive.
As I was walking down the sidewalk in front of the Water Street Mission the other day, I saw a homeless woman eating a huge chocolate chip cookie. She held a second cookie in her other hand. I smiled and commented on how delicious they looked. What happened next jolted me. With her belongings in bags at her feet and slung over her shoulder, the woman asked if I wanted her other cookie.
I tried to hide my surprise, but I’m afraid my gaping mouth may have given me away. Amidst my stammering, I was finally able to politely (I hope) decline. As I walked away, I was embarrassed at my degree of shock. I realized I had begun to fall into the trap of ‘us’ and ‘them’. I had begun to think that ‘us’ were the kind folks who give, and ‘them’ were the folks who take.
So yes, it’s true; kind words can affirm someone’s value and make them feel alive. I know because one sunny day, a homeless woman respected me enough as a human being to offer kind words. She helped crack open my pride and remind me that, no matter our circumstances, we all have something to give.
Maria Schaszberger • Director of Communications
Thursday, September 24, 2009
WSHS --- Following God’s Heart
1. Are we truly running a health center that is God’s? We must be sure that it is not just a good Christian idea, but that we are called by our Father to minister to the poor in this manner and in His way. Once the Boards and leadership know this to be true, through answered prayer and from His Word, not just based on our own opinions, then we must,
2. Be committed to what He has called us to do! We must trust God to provide for His ministry and lead us in His ways on how to treat others, both Christ followers who may not have the same faith tenets that we have & those seekers who come across our paths so we may be a light to them & plant the seed for them to come to Christ as followers.
3. We must be sure to never compromise on who and how we serve, but be ready to speak the truth to whomever asks us why & how we do what we do. As we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us!
I found this discussion with my sibling in Christ to be thought provoking and encouraging for I & the Board of Water Street Health Services know that Water Street Health Services is God’s healthcare facility for the poor & homeless without access to healthcare in Lancaster & Lebanon! My prayer is that each Board member and staff person seeks God’s leadership on what that means for them and how they are part of His plan to carry out the work of providing healthcare. If they are truly called to be part of His plan, then they need to commit everything they have to the calling!
As I reflected on our discussion more, I also know we must be cautious to not be like the religious leaders in the time of Christ here on earth, for it was those who were “religious” that got His most severe criticism. It is about love, as He commands, first to love God with all of our hearts, souls and mind and then to love others as ourselves. If we follow these two commands, we will be following Christ’s way as we care for those He brings to us to help as employees, volunteers, to learn as students or to receive care from us in the name of Christ!
Gale Thomason - Executive Director, Water Street Health Services
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Residents sharing God's Heart
Consider this situation: you're trying to get your life back together, but as part of the turnaround, you are forced to live in a dorm room with someone you've never met and had no part in choosing. Now imagine that your roommate is seriously ill and in need of a tremendous amount of help and attention. How would you handle this?
Listen to Jim Stanton, one of our men's counselor share what he has seen in the life of one of the men at Water Street...
One male resident is sharing a room with another man with some serious health concerns. The “healthy” man is experiencing a newfound love for others who need help! This is a new set of feelings and concerns that had not been part of his life before "Christ impacted change" happened inside him. How can we deny that Christ changes people’s outlooks, desires, feelings and attitudes?
I see change happen before me constantly in my workplace. PTL (Praise The Lord) that He allows me to recognize that this is from Him!
- Jim Stanton, Program Counselor
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wonder Club - Experiencing God's Love

First, I entered the one preschool classroom where I was working, and several children raced to give me hugs. No, they were not using “walking feet,” but I chose not to address that. Later, as we were dropping the students off at their homes, the one student started walking towards her house, and then turned around and ran back to give me a hug.
I also have experienced God’s love for me through the care of my co-workers .They ask me how I’m doing (and really want to know!) and include my name in their prayers. It’s been a blessing to not only share God’s love with others, but to feel like I’m receiving more than I give.
- Carmen Garber, Wonder Club Teacher
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Diana shares her testimony from Teen Haven

After a year and half of serving and wondering if should remain there, God opened the door for me to become a paid intern at our Teen Haven campsite on girl weekends; this was an answer to my long awaited prayer. Being an adult and having to go to school fulltime and work was not always easy and often took me away from Teen Haven, my favorite place on earth. How amazing and wonderful, what a blessing! As the school year ended I was remembered again by our Heavenly Father and was offered a full time position there as a summer intern, after some prayer and some meeting with my church leaders I took the position, what a summer it was and just on time. Going back and forth to camp, serving at different churches throughout the city and having day camp programs was satisfying and exhausting at times but God remained faithful. Now the summer is over and God has blessed me with a new job at George Washington Elementary School as an Outreach Paraprofessional. This job will give me an opportunity to work with families in that neighborhood and help them get connected in the school and community, possibly Teen Haven. A major part of my job is being able to work as a team member and also being able to bring my strengths to the table to help equip the team and better serve our community something that Teen Haven really focused on this summer.
Now God has blessed me with much because I was faithful with the little. There were definitely times when I doubted that I should remain at Teen Haven and others when I did not want to serve. I even prayed if I should take the position at Teen Haven, isn’t that so much like the human nature, praying for so long for an opportunity and then when God gives it to us, we pray and ask God if this is really Him, thank God for His grace, patience and faithfulness. I am so thankful to all the staff at Teen Haven, everyone has blessed my heart and affected me in such a way that I cannot describe in words. Continue to remain faithful and God will bless you. Your treasures are being stored up in heaven for the sweat, tears, long hours, and torn ligaments, I love you Angel.
Blessed and Highly Favored,
Diana Serrano
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Food Drive Partnership!
Find out how you can make a difference: http://www.rescuemissionfooddrive.org/