Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lititz Area Mennonite teams up for Teen Haven

Teen Haven has been so blessed by the creativity and support of the students at Lititz Area Mennonite School! This Christmas their 3rd grade students joined together to help provide needed games and sports equipment for our ministry. Two classes teamed up and worked hard to raise money for these gifts through all sorts of tasks. Some students washed dishes, raked leaves, and so much more – all so that they could be a part of providing these special gifts to the youth of Teen Haven.

And, in addition to these gifts each student also made their own Christmas card. Their handwritten cards contained beautiful drawings, handwritten notes, and scriptures for our youth. Within these cards many students shared their excitement and awe of Christ's gift of being born for our salvation - it was clear that they wanted all of our youth to grasp this life changing reality. What a special gift to have 3rd grade testimonies to share with our youth, as they too seek after Christ!

One of the teachers shared that, “Our Christmas service project is a very special time of the year for our third grade students at Lititz Area Mennonite. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about the true meaning of giving. The students worked hard to earn money to buy games and sports equipment for Teen Haven. After the students raised the money they were able to choose which gift they would like to buy for Teen Haven."
Katie Shenk
Lititz Area Mennonite School
3rd Grade Teacher

As these young students worked so hard to bless Teen Haven they demonstrated a sacrificial love that we believe will shine Christ’s love into our city programs and at camp. We pray God’s blessing on the ministry at Lititz Area Mennonite School, and to these students as they continue to learn and grow throughout this New Year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Lydia Center

Last week at lunch the ladies gave the Lydia Center Staff a Christmas present – it was a song to the tune of 12 days of Christmas! I've included the lyrics below for you to enjoy!

I had asked the ladies what was different about this Christmas, and some of the answers I received were “this is the first Christmas I am not dreading”, “this is the first Christmas I have peace”, “this is the first Christmas in 10 years that I will be clean and sober”, “this is the first Christmas that I have joy” and “this is the first time I’m spending Christmas with people I love and who love me”.

At Lydia Center we had our “family time” on Christmas morning opening gifts that the body of Christ has provided for them and then cooked and enjoyed Christmas dinner together.

So from our home to yours – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Melissa Alcorn • Executive Director

12 Days At Lydia Center
On the first day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
Jakey with a snotty nose

On the second day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the third day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the fourth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the fifth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the sixth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the seventh day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the eighth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the ninth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the tenth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the eleventh day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
11 chapters of heart-work
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

On the twelfth day at Lydia Center my sisters gave to me
12 self evals
11 chapters of heart-work
10 loving staff
9 feet of snow
8 hours of weeding
7 ugly bows
6 greasy pizzas
5 hours of task
4 days of cooking
3 hours of counseling
2 holey socks
and Jakey with a snotty nose

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Students joining the ‘Diaper Dump’!

Have you heard about the current ‘Diaper Dump’ going on now at Water Street Mission? Our goal is to collect 5,000 diapers by Dec. 31!

Just after we announced that we were in dire need of diapers, a big blessing came our way! A 7th and 8th grade teacher named Rebecca Harvey from Resurrection Catholic school, had talked to her students about having a diaper drive. She called me and I thought it would be nice to get to know her and thank her personally when she brought the diapers in. A few weeks ago she delivered 17 boxes of diapers! She told me that they will do another big Diaper Drive for Christmas. The Women Ministries team hopes to have her and her students come and meet our women and children, to see first-hand the way their support is making a difference for these families.

We are so blessed by the generosity and support of these students and so many others, who are joining to help us provide this diapers for the precious children we serve.

Learn more about our 'Diaper Dump' at:

- Gentine Clark • Shelter Manager

Monday, December 13, 2010

Challenged to Increase our Faith

Each week on Wednesday afternoons, the Water Street Ministries staff spend an hour, from 3-4pm, seeking after God in prayer, and ‘fasting’ from work priorities as a community!

Recently, during this staff fasting time, we were challenged to look at faith through the lens Hebrews 10-12. It was a humbling experience to examine my faith quotient.

How does faith in the unseen affect my life and ministry?
To what extent would my faith need to change and expand to be included with the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11?
How does my lack of faith hinder my life and ministry?

These are things about which I need to meditate on and listen to God’s voice.

Philippians 1:6 reminds me that God will complete the work He has started in me until the day of Jesus Christ. It says, “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

It is that confidence that allows me to move forward in the journey Christ has for me.

Donna Doutrich • Ministry Assistant, Lydia Center

Friday, December 03, 2010

The Lord has no language or age barrier!

Kobe* is a young man that loves the Lord, has a heart’s desire to serve and present the gospel in any given opportunity. Last weekend during a retreat for boys 12-17 years old, Kobe took the position of senior cabin supervisor at Teen Haven Camp. This meant that he’d oversee and help direct the other cabin supervisors throughout the weekend.

We’ve been blessed over the last year to welcome many new youth from a neighborhood in Western Philadelphia that is primarily Vietnamese. And on this particular weekend, Kobe had two young men from this community. One of these campers spoke no English (age 14), and he came with his younger cousin who was able to speak limited English (age 13).

Throughout the weekend I saw that Kobe was really passionate about sharing with these youth, especially the one who wasn’t able to speak English. This created a dilemma since he wasn’t able to communicate in Vietnamese. Yet, God presented a solution. Kobe realized that he could work with this young man’s cousin to share about Christ’s love for him.

As Kobe shared the love of Christ, this young camper translated for his older cousin so that he could understand! Through this time of sharing, and dialogue this young man responded with a smile and accepted Christ’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life.

Sunday morning, I saw this young man’s smile and eyes, each reflecting his new found faith. I was reminded that age and language is no barrier to the Gospel message or messenger.

Vinny Mikusow
Teen Haven Camp, Field Director

*name changed