Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Reason We Serve

Rachel Scarborough
Development Intern

Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.

“I can tell you two things;- there is a God, and He loves you very much. And there is a devil, and he will do anything to stop you from getting where God wants you. So my advice to you is to pray, and I’ll pray for you too,” said Brandy*.

It was Wednesday night and the girls were all down at the campfire. One of the girls, Stacey*, shared a touching story about her dad and how he had abandoned their family. That’s when Brandy, another camper, spoke up and gave her some encouraging words. It was the first time I had witnessed an interaction between campers at the campfire. Usually the girls shared testimonies and the counselors would listen and minister to them as needed. However, this camper was brave enough to speak up and tell her fellow camp mate that she wasn’t alone. The camp fire continued in this manner. Older girls were comforting younger girls and offering advice, and some campers were even comforting counselors.

As I listened to a little girl named Becky share a story about getting raped, it hit me. This moment is the reason I serve. Everything that we as counselors go through and endure is all in order for these girls to get to this moment. The moments where they can get up at a campfire and share their story with other girls, who knows how it feels or who need to hear that it’s possible to come out on the other side. The moment when they realize Jesus loves them and wants to be a part of their lives.

As Becky sat down, I got up. I was going to share my story with these girls. A journey of how I found hope, renewal, and the unfailing love of Jesus Christ.

Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Thing About Prayer

Rachel Scarborough
Communications Intern

Hi! My name is Rachel Scarborough, and I’ve been working at Teen Haven Camp for nine years. I started as a camper and continued to be a junior counselor and finally a head counselor. These blogs are just a few of my camp experiences. Read, enjoy, and don’t forget the bug spray.

“Rachel! …Rachel!” I turned around to see Jamie *, one of the junior counselors, running up to me out of breath. “Have you seen Bandit?!” she asked me, with a hint of concern in her voice. “We haven’t seen him at all, and usually he’s around by now.” Bandit was one of Teen Haven’s oldest editions. He was a 12- year- old cat that Gina Frey, the former camp cook, had raised. I personally didn’t like him that much, but the campers really loved him and fed him every night. “I’m sure he’s fine,” I said. “After all, how far could he have gone?”

By eleven thirty that night Bandit still hadn’t shown up, and fellow counselors Rebecca*, Tamera*, and I were all slightly worried. “What are we going to do if this cat is dead?” Rebecca said. I didn’t know. Bandit had been around so long that if he died it would actually be sad. Tamera suggested we pray for his return. Although it sounded weird, we did anyway. “He’ll turn up; just wait, because God is good like that.”

We all went to bed hoping Tamera was right.

The next morning Bandit showed up, to my surprise. His return was a blessing and a reminder. Sometimes as Christians we forget that no prayer request is too little for God. But the reality is God hears all our prayers, even the ones about a cat named Bandit.

Help teens experience God in new ways. Provide a Teen Haven camp scholarship today. Click here to donate online!

*Name has been changed to protect privacy.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


"I was glad to have met you this morning" one friend of the ministry wrote to a WSM staff person who had visited her just one day before. "I feel you are involved in a wonderful ministry. It's important that we help those in need who are among us, and minister to their spiritual needs as well, that they may hear God's plan of salvation and come to know Jesus." Enclosed with the note was a $500.00 donation.

It was kindness like this from many of you this Spring that made for an exciting Revive Campaign, and invitation for individuals to revive their financial partnership with Water Street Ministries. Many churches revived their partnership with us as well, saying they wanted to make more of an impact locally.

Plus, during the Revive, three anonymous friends of the ministry provided generous donations to launch a special May challenge. Many of you responded, and we are so thankful for the results.

All together, we received $611,793 in donations between April 1 and May 31 toward our $875,000 Revive Campaign goal. Thank you to everyone who gave. Your generosity helped us take a step forward in tackling our deficit while allowing us to impact over 2,000 individuals this Spring in spiritual and practical ways. Together, we're changing one life at a time.

If you didn't get to participate in Revive, it's not too late to send a special gift. Just click here to donate online. Link to: