Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fathers Day Reflections...

...Having a good dad was nice. I just wish that he hadn’t died when I was twelve.

…This is my dad and mom. They came all the way from Missouri to visit with me.

…My dad was a monster and I was his evil twin.

…My daughter checked in to the women’s shelter last night. Do you think it would be okay to see if she would be willing to talk to me?

…My dad moved halfway around the world to fight a war. When he was done fighting, he just left…without me.

…I miss my children; I’m resentful toward my dad; but, I’m becoming grateful toward my heavenly father. Please pray for me.

…My dad and my children are dead.

…My daughter wrote to me and still wants me to be in her life.

…My daughter and I used heroin together.

…Look what my daughter gave to me: Dad—So much has happened in this past year and through it all I believe you have become a much stronger and better man…and father. You are and always will be my Daddy. I love you and hope you have a great Father’s Day.

- CLD Program Men

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