Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wise me up, too...

I love how God knows what I need and doesn’t think inside my box.

Several months ago, “Maria” became my client here at the Lydia Center. Because of her simplicity, short attention span, and difficulty comprehending, I was not sure how I could help her. I whined and got upset at people who had sent her my way. Several months ago, I made a referral for her for housing and to my shame, was getting excited that I wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore.

Well, God is using “Maria” to teach me how to love well. I have seen her blossom so much from when she first entered here b/c she knows that she is loved and belongs. She recently stole the show at our Lydia Center talent show. She has such a kind heart and simple faith. Her mannerisms and the things she says are so endearing. I have come to enjoy my time with “Maria” so much, and now I will probably cry when her housing comes through and she spreads her wings to fly.

I am still not always sure how I can help "Maria", but I’m beginning to think that God may have sent her this way to teach me a few things:
1) to love others as He loves
2) to enjoy life and not take it so seriously
3) to laugh at myself
4) not to judge others on appearance or ability
5) to teach me patience and to enjoy the moment
6) and just to bless me.

The other day in counseling, “Maria” prayed this sweet prayer, “Keep an eye on all of us up here on this mountain…Give Lorene wisdom, and wise me up, too, to be kinda like You. Amen.”

Lord, I’m sorry for my selfish, judgmental ways. May I be more like You and love as You love. I thank you for teaching me through this precious woman. Bless her, as she continues to know You more and goes her way in life. May her life be as sweet to You as it is to me.

-Lorene, counselor at Lydia Center

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