Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Each year during the month of November, the staff and students at the Lancaster Wonder Club School focus on Thanksgiving and having an attitude of gratitude. We spend time talking about the many good things we have to thank God for. We also learn about the Pilgrims and Indians and their celebration of what we know of as “The First Thanksgiving.”
One of the things we enjoy is the celebration of our own Thanksgiving Feast. The dining room staff willingly prepares a Thanksgiving lunch for the children, delivers it to the Covenant site in time for lunch, and even comes back for the leftovers! It is a special treat from the normal everyday packed lunches and both staff and students alike look forward to the turkey dinner with all its trimmings. For some children it is their first taste of cranberry sauce and, believe it or not, pumpkin pie!

KidWriting exercise “I Am Thankful for ____.” On this day the one kindergarten class had an opportunity to draw pictures of what they were thankful for on extra large sheets of paper and then complete the sentence. In the picture Alissa is thankful for turkey!

The children enjoy making costumes and dressing as Pilgrims and Indians for the feast.Special activities are high energy. Sometimes we just need to get the wiggles out. In the picture the children are marching around the room while singing “Marching in the Light of God’s Love.”

- Lorraine Brandt, Wonder Club (photos by Carrie Keagy)

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