Monday, March 23, 2009

Days full of joys and sorrows...

Working at Water Street, friends often comment about "how rewarding our job must be." Sometimes I feel like responding, "It depends on the day." Honestly, if our job satisfaction depended on heartwarming outcomes, we'd all be a bit manic-depressive. Thankfully, there is a greater hand at work. Our receptionist, Eunice Kolb, shares below about the ups and downs and her source of hope:

Last week, I happened to meet a former client as I left at the end of the day. He had been a “featured testimony” some years back. He had gone through the program, he developed a hunger for the Word and was eager for fellowship with brothers in Christ. He even got a job, got married, had a lovely child and an apartment.

...Then somehow he was back in jail! What a disappointment! But here he was, now, out of jail, working on getting back what he had lost.

Another day I got a phone call from a former client who became an employee of the Mission for a time. He was going on with the Lord, happily married, established in a church, and rejoicing in the Lord.

...Yet on the same day there were some violent altercations on our campus.

The days are full of joys and sorrows. I am glad that, "my Help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:2)

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