Friday, June 25, 2010

Serving in the City - Answered prayers at Teen Haven

Often times, people outside the city are reluctant to come in and volunteer in the city. But as God's Word tells us where two or three are gathered in my name there am I.

For a long time I had been praying about starting a Girls Bible study which has been non-existent for over a decade, at Teen Haven in the city of York, PA.

And as those prayers were whispered…. a dear sister in the Lord, who herself is battling Lupus, felt the Lord leading her to reach out with her life to young girls. She heard about this ministry opportunity and our need to have someone come and lead the girls program and Teen Haven. She contacted a friend about volunteering with us, and that's where their journey began alongside our ministry.

After our first Bible study, one of the women shared that she was definitely "outside her comfort zone," but the other day after Bible study she told me how much she enjoyed being with the girls and getting to know them personally. She shared that through these growing relationships that she is falling in love with them.

I'm thankful for the power of prayer and the divine timing of our heavenly Father. So if you have never volunteered to help those in need you have missed out on a blessing. Consider giving of your time, talent, and treasure; you won't be disappointed.

Alex Mikusow, Teen Haven, York Field Director

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prayers from Wonder Club

The faith of the children at Wonder Club often reveal aspects of God to us. Listen to this story that was shared with by one of the teachers at Wonder Club:

Near the end of the school year a student came in and right away showed us his cut on his finger. For most of the day he complained that he could not do an activity because his finger was hurt. Eventually (should have done this much earlier), I offered to pray for him. I prayed that he would still be capable to do activities despite his cut and that God would be with him. After I was done, he asked me to pray for God to heal him. I did then ask for healing. It took a child to remind me of what’s important – healing. How cool that the child grasps healing!

Also, please join us in praying for the precious children over the summer; some as they prepare for starting Kindergarten in the fall, and others as they will move on to first grade!

Lorraine Brandt • Wonder Club Administrator

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blessings in the Kitchen

Isn't it amazing to see the everyday evidences of God's hand at work? Sometimes we need to stop to glimpse it, listen for it, and even taste it...

Not long ago the news reported that unusual weather patterns ruined the tomato crop. Prices rose and some restaurants removed tomatoes from their menus. It occurred to me this morning that ever since that announcement was made we have had fresh tomatoes to serve our clients. (Tomatoes are not something we usually have). It would appear that God’s tomato crop was not damaged due to inclement weather!

Thank you God for being our provider and sustainer, and for the overflowing generosity of so many in our community who reveal your hands and feet.

Paula Sentgeorge • Lydia Center, Kitchen Manager