Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prayers from Wonder Club

The faith of the children at Wonder Club often reveal aspects of God to us. Listen to this story that was shared with by one of the teachers at Wonder Club:

Near the end of the school year a student came in and right away showed us his cut on his finger. For most of the day he complained that he could not do an activity because his finger was hurt. Eventually (should have done this much earlier), I offered to pray for him. I prayed that he would still be capable to do activities despite his cut and that God would be with him. After I was done, he asked me to pray for God to heal him. I did then ask for healing. It took a child to remind me of what’s important – healing. How cool that the child grasps healing!

Also, please join us in praying for the precious children over the summer; some as they prepare for starting Kindergarten in the fall, and others as they will move on to first grade!

Lorraine Brandt • Wonder Club Administrator

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