Friday, February 25, 2011

Fighting Addiction, and Experiencing God’s Love

We're excited to introduce a NEW SERIES focusing on Addiction
As you read these stories we invite you to share your thoughts, reflections and insights. This series will include stories on addiction, along with 8 articles from our most recent Messenger magazine. Our hope is that as we engage in conversation together, we can gain a deeper understanding in the midst of trials and celebrations of overcoming addiction.

To receive our next Messenger magazine electronically, Click Here to sign up.

The Lydia Center is currently home to a young mom who joined our program without her children.

She believed in God until her dad passed away when she was 14. From then she shared that she felt like no one could love her but her dad & he was no longer here.

She was in relationship after relationship and a few were very abusive. She struggles with addiction to alcohol & drugs.

Today she told me that since she has accepted Jesus she feels loved by God & even though she hopes to marry & have a complete family one day she said that just knowing that God loves her right now gives her so much peace.

She is growing in trusting God & loves to spend time reading His word. I see life, peace, hope and a hunger for God in her that she did not have 3 weeks ago. She is actually getting baptized this Sunday.

I love the way our Savior brings this type of transformation!!!

Carrie Libonati • Lydia Center, Learning Center Instructor

We love hearing from you! Post your comments on our Blog, or Click Here to visit our Facebook page and join the conversation!

Stay tuned for the next post in this series on Addiction!


Anonymous said...

Giving thanks for your commitment to these ladies!

Water Street Life said...

Thanks for your message! It's truly a privilege to see God's hand at work each day.

Yesterday's baptism she experienced was a true celebration of the gift of salvation, and living water from our Savior. He deserves all the praise!