Thursday, May 12, 2011

Salvation has come!!

This story of new life and transformation, is part of our 'REVIVE 2011 Spring Campaign.' For details about how you can join this campaign, check out below...

Mark 10:14 "Let the little children come to me."

Our 4-year-old Kindergarten class at Wonder Club Early Learning Centers in Lancaster is currently learning about the wordless book. Throughout the year we have also been studying the question “Who is God?"

We have been inviting the children to come up to us during the day if they want to ask Jesus into their hearts. It's been such a blessing when we've had the privilege of praying with our students as they make decisions for the Lord. Each prayer is a time of celebration. Recently, we had four children ask Jesus into their hearts in one day.

Here is another story of God's love at work in the life of one of the students in my class...

As I was beginning my day. One of my little boy students came into class and ran up to me. He told me that last night when his brother was sleeping he asked Jesus into his heart. I said great what did you say? He said, "I prayed, and said 'Jesus come into my heart.'" Wow! Isn’t this exciting? Please pray for these young children as they are babes in Christ.

Karen Smith • Assistant Teacher, Wonderclub Early Learning Centers

Join the revive 2011 Spring Campaign...
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.

Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.

For more information, visit, email or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.

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