Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The power of forgiveness

Broken relationships, friends lost, families torn apart….

How many of us have experienced these things, either in our own families and lives or in the lives of others? It’s tempting to blame it on the other party involved and fall into the trap of being a victim. But this is not what God has commanded of us. In fact, he has commanded us to forgive.

The Lord’s Prayer says that we should pray that God will “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” In Mark 11:25, we are told that if we are praying and remember that we have something against someone, we are to forgive them so that God can forgive us.

I know some of you may be saying, “Well, the person that wrote this has never suffered the hurts and wrongs that I’ve suffered.” First of all, you’re dead wrong. I have suffered an enormous betrayal in my life. And I can stand here today and say that I have forgiven the person and only wish for God to bring them to salvation. In fact, I pray daily for that very thing.

The amazing thing is that in forgiving I have come to have an incredible love for that person. Second of all, Jesus suffered the largest betrayal perpetrated on a person in human history. The smallest of our sins put him on the cross, yet he forgives us and loves us. So, if your prayers seem ineffective, or you just don’t have any joy, ask God to show you if you have an unforgiving spirit. Then, in an act of the will and obedience to the Lord, forgive that person. Remember, the priests of Israel had to step into the Jordan River before the Lord parted the waters. (Joshua 3:13) STEP INTO YOUR JORDAN today. It could be life-changing.

-Deb Heffner, Development Department

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog! Forgiveness is truly the key to that abundant life Jesus promises. And to receive a taste of the difficulty we present to God upon asking for forgivenes for our great grievances... YET - God's desire to forgive us only emphasizes how "Wholly Other" He is from us, and a God like that is worth my utter worship. To be unforgiving is to deny God the worship He deserves.