Friday, November 03, 2006

The beautiful Schuylkill Expressway?

Yesterday, I drove in to Philly for a meeting with some of our Teen Haven staff and to conduct an interview. While driving along the Schuylkill Expressway around 10am, I had a revelation. The Schuylkill Expressway is a beautiful stretch of road.

Now for those of you from the Philly area, let me assure you I was indeed awake, and not under the influence of any substances legal or otherwise (I did have a cup of half-caf coffee on the drive). Usually one wouldn't associate the word beautiful with this stretch of road, more often one might think "treacherous", "nightmare", "maddening", "scary", "unpredictable" - you may even be familiar with it's nickname, "The Sure-Kill Expressway."

But yesterday, while driving the 12 mile stretch from Rte 202 to Roosevelt Blvd, I could not help but be struck by the sheer beauty of the road I was driving on. The amazing colors of the trees surrounding the road, the sections of hillside that the highway is cut into, the short stretch that overlooks the river as you approach the city. God and man have cooperated to produce a pretty amazing stretch of road - especially in late Oct/early Nov.

Now don't get me wrong, I have driven along the Pacific Coast Highway between San Fran and LA, and I'm not comparing the Schuylkill to that most amazing stretch of road in the world (If I get the chance to visit it again, I might not ever come back).

I guess my point (if I need to have one) is this. God's beauty can shine through in even the most unsuspecting and seemingly God-forsaken places (hmmm... and lives?).

-Jack Crowley, Teen Haven

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