Saturday, March 10, 2007


Integrity: courage to meet the demands of reality

Recently I heard a definition for integrity that really struck me as profound: Integrity is the quality of character that has the courage to meet the demands of reality.

As I considered this definition in the light of the recovery process I had one of those "aha" moments. One of the things that have gone wrong in the addicted life is the loss of courage to meet the demands of reality (life).

Those of us who know Jesus and (are beginning to) understand his ways and means know that he promises to never give us more than we can handle. We also know his agenda for us all is growth toward maturity, and His favorite tool for helping us grow is hardships.

Trusting these facts we can embrace the difficulties of life (reality) with a courage that sees us through the event. This perseverance brings with it maturity and strength of character (integrity).

Those who have been damaged in their upbringing and who do not yet trust that the Lord loves and cares for them are often anxious (terrified?) by the demands of life. Our task for these ones then is to encourage them, or put the courage back in them.

We need to make certain that any assistance we provide is crafted to put courage into them that will help them meet the demands of life. Often the easiest assistance for us to give is the worst for them to get. Giving a man a fish is good, but if we never instill in him the courage to fish on his own –we have simply made him dependent upon us.

- Aaron Eggers, Men’s Ministries

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