God (through his people and many local companies) keeps our kitchen stocked with enough food and drink to provide 3 meals a day to hundreds of residents and friends from the community. Sometimes though, both staff and clients can begin to take God's abundant provision for granted. Earlier this week, we ran out of flavored drinks (teas, juices, etc) and we had several meals in a row where the only option we had was water.
Some individuals, a little disappointed and frustrated, began to complain about the situation. God prompted me to help them check their spirits, so rather than listen to their complaining, I encouraged them to pray about it and ask God to provide something other than water.
How exciting to see God answer the prayer so quickly, when later that same day, a truck dropped off two cases of juice. Then, the next morning, we received a donation of two skids of Turkey Hill lemonade (if you never worked in a warehouse, that's a lot of lemonade).
Maybe someday, we'll all be more like Paul: "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." (Phil 4:12b) Still, we will acknowledge and thank God for all he does (in spite of our attitudes, sometimes).