There seems to be a never ending series of waves that course through our lives. Many of them seem to arrive with a crash, knocking us down and pummeling us under their weight. Others sweep in to swamp us; they lift us from our footing and leave us feeling vulnerable and out of control. Still others provide a great opportunity to surf.
Recently I commented to my boss that I felt as though I had caught a wave. I was blissfully surfing through life feeling courageous, even invincible. I further commented to him that I knew it wouldn’t last, but boy was it a great ride!
Sure enough, that wave ran its course and while I was there basking on the shore in the memories… the next wave hit. Today I am pressed to the bottom as what feels like the full weight of the ocean sits on my back.
I have felt like quitting recently, yet not a very short time ago I felt like a champion, exercising heroic faith and conquering in the Name of the Lord all that came at me.
As I prayerfully analyze this fall from crest to crevasse, to see if I can learn something that might reduce the expanse between the two, I become aware of a few things:
-In both conditions I sense the Lord is very close.
-In both conditions I sense the Lord is Sovereign and in control.
-In both conditions I sense that time is running and change is coming
My conclusion in all this: waves happen, and then they are gone and then another one comes. Some will crash, some will swamp and some will provide a great opportunity to surf.
At the end of the day, “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” (Job 2:10)
-Aaron Eggers, Men’s Ministries
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