Our Camp Director just sent me this note from our boys weekend at camp. My first thought was how dramatic and extreme a change (from no knowledge of the bible to child of God in one weekend), but then again aren't all salvations just as dramatic and "extreme." You and I were both once lost and now found.
Thanks for sharing this Vinny.
Marcus (14) - First timer to camp from Philadelphia.
Friday night during cabin devotions, Marcus stopped the supervisor and asked, "What is that?"
He was referring to the bible that the counselor was reading and talking about. After some discussion, Marcus shared that he never saw, touched or read one.
Saturday morning during chapel, the Bible he never read was the Lord's instrument in saving his soul.
Marcus's entire demeanor changed. He would not separate himself from the Bible he discovered.
As he was presented the Christ-like camper award for the weekend, his cabin supervisor was lost for words as he joyfully expressed and described the transformation of Marcus.
We all rejoice together!
-Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp
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