Friday, June 06, 2008

Wonder Club school-year ends...

As the school year comes to a close, a few notes from Wonder Club staff...

What I look forward to every morning is worship time with my students. No matter how bad I feel, when it comes to worship I feel refreshed. I love hearing the children sing to the Lord... I love to see God touch their hearts as they sing.

-Nikki Norton, Wonder Club Teacher

What excites me about coming to work in the morning? Change... or should I say watching God work in my life and the children and their parents. In Wonder Club I am excited to say about 4 or 5 childrenhave asked Jesus into their lives. Watching them change as they say and do many things they would not have said or done before. Hearing comments from parents saying that they too see a change in their son or daughter.

-Karen Smith, Wonder Club Assistant Teacher

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