Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Staff thoughts...

More thoughts from staff on why they love to work here...

It's a chance to serve God and people. There is so much to do, you never finish doing God's work.
-Stan Peoples, Operations

I'm honored to be part of a ministry that shares the Love of God in a practical way.
- Ann Deschler, Teen Haven

It's rewarding to know I'm in God's will. Whether or not I may see the rewards isn't important. It's exciting to see the improvemnet in our residents and humbling to be involved.
-Lori Shirkey, Residential Ministries

And what God is teaching them...

In serving, you have to be open to change. We never know what God has for you to do next.

God has taught me to be encouraging and helpful to my co-workers. God has reminded me that our contributors are being blessed by God for their gifts to our ministry and that gifts/mail are blessings, not extra work.

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