Monday, August 04, 2008

What God is teaching our staff...

God has taught me more patience through my role as a chaplain. I have been reminded that as we ask our clients to grow in areas of life, such as patience, how much more important it is to model it.

-Jon Shacklett, Men's Ministry

Water Street has taught me that patience is not an option, and by the work of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God I'm learning this virtue.

-Bill Lewis, Operations

Changes in the lives of men become more evident with longer stays here at the Mission. This is parallel to situations in my life where the longer the "stay," the longer the relationship with someone, the deeper the lessons.

-Steve Gentino, Business Office


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! For all your work.

I just want to go into the WHOLE world and bring all the homeless to WSRM! I want to start first with the "teen" homeless men, who are jobless, directionless, without Christ strong in their life, though they may believe in Jesus, who are living in their parents homes, I heard that the YMCA doesn't have room for such kids anymore, as they are taking in women with children and adults with children more, much to talk about, will try to check your blog often and before.

Wow...will write again soon. I love you!

Thank you!

Caroline, from Lancaster City

Anonymous said...
