Monday, June 29, 2009

Local VBS provides support to Water Street Mission

I recently was invited to speak at a church as a representative of the mission. They wanted me to speak for about 5 minutes and accept some pillows and blankets their children had made in VBS for the mission.

Right up until that morning I had not a clue what I was going to say, but God is always in time. As I drove north on 501 that morning, a long line of traffic was stuck behind a very slow moving vehicle. I know it is hard to believe, but I became terribly frustrated and agitated.

After about 15 minutes the car finally pulled off to the side of the road. As I past I notice the gentleman had a large map (no GPS) and was trying to figure out where he was. In that moment God spoke to me and showed me that just like that man, we are all born with no GPS. There is no written out directions on how we are to live our lives. Because of this, sometimes we turn left when we should have turned right. We make mistakes that can have profound effect on our lives. Sometime, life takes on a direction of it’s own that we have no control over. It gave me a chance to share a little about our residents and their needs.

The church then presented me with the blankets and pillows for the mission. They have the children’s handprints all over them, and the words “God Cares for You”. I gave them a word picture of our residents wrapping themselves in God’s love and knowing that they are loved when they go to bed at night. I wanted the people(especially the children) to know that their loving handwork was going to touch many lives.

- Sharon Houck, Water Street Ministries

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am certainly happy to find this. great job!