Listen as the Water Street Mission graduates share about their experiences as they answer the question...
What were some of the challenges you faced working through the program?
Lonnie: Open accountability and knowing what the right thing to do was; what God wants me to be. I had to learn my own false beliefs. It is hard to stay on the path.
Leonard: It was time for a change. I had to stop running and experience brokenness. For me, the spirit of God is brokenness. I didn’t know that man, Jesus; and just going to church wasn’t working.
DC: What brought me here was dealing with the past and learning to yield to God. I knew there had to be something deeper; there is just something to make sense of all the adversity. Rejection, parents, and not being worthy to be in relationships.
Lonnie: God brought us here; the way we were living would just not have lasted.
Erik: [the hardest thing was] not wanting to change, clinging to, letting go; it was easy to self medicate.
Russell: I was Just scared; what am I going to do? I had no place to go, got thrown out, people gave me warnings, the police had to escort me off the property. They dropped me off at the Ephrata Hospital where I stayed for 3 days. A doctor recommended Water Street where they had a bed for me.
Russell: My counselor later asked me what I wanted and I said, “I want to find God again.” He responded, “You never lost him.”
Erik: I got completely stopped when I was trying to fast forward; I had to persevere through it, and not try to avoid it.
Leonard: This is not an overnight thing. It gets to a point where you have to want to change. For me, I changed when I got into relationships; that’s the key thing, when you know it’s not just you.
Russell: Most people can’t get what they are doing. I didn’t want to accept what the counselors were telling me.
Leonard: It’s important sometimes to be silent.
- Compiled by Jon, volunteer
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