Listen as the Water Street Mission graduates share about their experiences as they reflect on this statement:
Describe was it was like living as a community.
Lonnie: Community living was very difficult for me. It still is. Everyone has different personalities, you have to wait in line, and there are people with different opinions. But something changed. People I would have normally passed by, the needy, I find myself being drawn to them. I’m finding compassion, but it is still a struggle.
Jose: needed relationships, because I was isolated. I was happy when I came here, happy to be with other men. I got to meet great mentors and friends.
Erik: I am generating sober relationships, but it is a struggle to be outgoing without the drugs. It took ten years to get to the point where I was. Now it is very easy to function in the community.
Leonard: If you want to hear God laugh, you tell him your plans.
Compiled by Jon, volunteer
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