Alondra, a resident of the Women’s Ministry at the Prince Street campus, first came to the Water Street Mission with her daughter a few years ago when the family fell on tough times. Though Alondra needed help, her struggle to stay in control made it difficult.
“I wasn’t humble enough to listen to anybody’s input about my life,” she remembers. Despite her financial problems, Alondra refused suggestions to sell her two cars; to her, it meant admitting she had failed. Perhaps too soon, she left the mission to try to rebuild her life. “I was mad and disappointed, and I let that affect my relationship with God,” she says.
Things went well for a while, but a change in her job situation brought Alondra back to the mission a few months ago. This time, however, Alondra had changed. Instead of fighting her faith, she allowed God back into her heart and realized a path was there for her all along.
While the old Alondra might have viewed her return to the mission as another failure, the new Alondra knows that this time, she’s really just begun her journey to success.
“God has put me in a position where I’m getting discipline,” she explains. “The reality of my life can be very unpleasant if I don’t stay on the path.”
“Water Street gives you those resources [to stay on the path],” Alondra continues. “No matter what has brought you here, you have opportunity here. It’s allowed me to refresh my spirit. That’s priceless. It’s OK to ask for help today.”
By Jacqlyn Mori, volunteer
I am frequently blessed by the many stories of hope and renewal provided by the Water Street link. In response to Alondra's story, I am reminded of the prodigal son. Sometimes pride can so blind us that we hesitate or outright refuse to allow GOD to show us the things that are preventing a close fellowship with GOD. I know from my own experiences that pride left unchecked can destroy relationships on all levels. I have a divorce to prove this humbling fact. Thank GOD that He has a plan of restoration for all of His children that can so easily go astray. I am soon pursuing a Christian counseling degree as a result of the grace and restoration that I have experienced. May GOD continue to bless The Water Street ministry.prenta
Dear Chris,
We are so humbled and thankful for your testimony of God's provision and power to bring healing and a lasting hope. Thanks for sharing your story with us, and for your words of encouragement.
As you work towards your degree in counseling we wish you the best, and pray that God would continue to allow your transparency to impact others - as it has for us!
God bless!
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