Vicky looked up at me and asked for a glass of water. My response was immediate and we became friends. Natalie* (17) wasn't feeling well and asked for a cup of hot tea. My response was quick and I made another friend. As cabins were being assigned, Vicky and Natalie became cabin mates. As they were leaving for their cabin, I pulled Natalie aside and asked her to keep a caring eye on Vicky. She smiled and assured me that she would care for Vicky.
The following morning I made sure that Natalie had her hot cup of tea and got an update on Vicky. As the week end went on, where Vicky was, there was her friend Natalie. Saturday morning, during chapel, I spoke of the love and tenderness of Jesus. As I started speaking, Vicky raised her hand and asked for Kelly. She left her teddy bear in the cafeteria and felt lost without it. An intern immediately left to retrieve Vicky’s teddy bear. As Vicky sat there, I could not help but equate and relate to the warmth and security of being in the arms of Jesus to the relationship that existed between Vicky and her teddy. The Holy Spirit painted a beautiful picture of forgiveness and a need of a love relationship with the Father through His Son. As I related campers but especially Vicky was able to relate.
Saturday night we watched the Jesus movie and Vicky responded to the love of Jesus. She was first to respond by a raised hand to the call of salvation. Sunday morning we read and meditated on "Bless the Lord - Psalm 103". I gave the campers and interns an opportunity to give praise and to thank the Lord for something. The first to raise her hand was Vicky. There was a hush in the chapel as she clearly expressed her heart praise to her Lord. "I want to thank God for loving me. I thank God for having me come to camp. I like it here because everyone here loves me." That set the tone for waves of praises from the rest of the group.
To think, it all started with a glass of water. It reminded me of another lady who asked Jesus for water and received the same water that satisfied the soul and yielded eternal life.
The Lord is so good!
Blessings in Jesus.
- Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Field Director
*names in this story have been changed
1 comment:
Thanks Vinnie..... blessings as God continues to use TH to quench a thirst that cannot be quenched anyway/anyhow/anywhere else.
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