Monday, May 17, 2010

From My Office Overlooking Prince Street

Being in an office at WSM that overlooks Prince Street has its joys (sunlight) and its “moments”. The “moments” turn out to be the traffic controller who seems to express her life angst though her whistle during the morning and afternoon school times. The car alarm (it’s going off now) that seemingly has a mind of its own and breaks up the background noise of the traffic every 15 minutes or so, again and again ...

In another “moment”, I had the joy (hint of sarcasm) of experiencing a “clapper” who seemed to enjoy clapping while holding a conversation with someone. These conversations could last up to ten (long) minutes. The non-rhythmical clapping sometimes connected with the car alarm and created another level of mixed annoyance.
So what?

As I started to process my irritation, God asked me why I was getting annoyed. The whistle is needed to help make a crossing safer. The alarm is only a device that is way too sensitive (aren’t we all?). Maybe the “clapper” needs to clap, or has an issue or whatever, but really the bigger issue is about me.

How do I really deal with life’s annoyances? What is it in me that gets irritated and why? This gets a little too deep and close to home.

I do not yet have clear answers, but the whistle, car alarm and “Clapper” are all part of someone else’s day too. I am not the center of it all.

Getting annoyed is a choice. Can I make better ones when these things happen next? They do and will happen again. Maybe God can speak though the irritations of our day as well as the joys.
Paul Pearce • VP of Advancement

1 comment:

Sharon Houck said...

I hear you Paul!