Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Wonder Club Field Day get's Goliath Again!

If your boss asked you to dress up as one of the baddest dudes in the Bible and told you to go outside and scare a bunch of kids, and oh by the way dodge water balloons while you’re at it, how could you say no? I know I sure couldn’t. So, for the last 2 out of 3 years I’ve gotten to be Goliath at the Wonder Club field day.

When I’m not playing Goliath I’m just Joel the “guy who brings us our snacks,” I have the pleasure of bringing the milk and snacks that God provides to these kids each week. It’s so awesome to hear stories throughout the year of how the kids were praying for a certain cereal or their favorite fruit to come in and then to see how God provides those things. It’s also such a neat thing to see how the kids grow throughout the year, kids who at the beginning of school were so shy turn into water balloon throwing maniacs.

That brings me back to field day, the one day a year I get to make a crazy costume and splatter it with fake blood and swing my sword and shield and dodge water balloons. As I’m doing that I get to see the faces of these kids and see them smile and laugh and forget about any troubles or cares that they have. For a few minutes at field day these kids get to feel like David, they get to experience what its like to conquer a giant and they get to learn the story of how God is always on our side even when the odds are not.

- Joel Henry, Food Services Truck Driver

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome story, Joel! thanks for your willingness to endure--even water balloons--for the kingdom! very very cool.