Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings at the Lydia Center

In this season of Thanksgiving, the staff and residents of the Lydia Center have many things to be thankful for! Two items stick out in my mind: warmer buildings and the employees of JK Mechanical, Inc. of Willow Street, PA. On November 10, 2010, a group of 68 employees from JK Mechanical came to bless our ministry through a community service project. Wow! Did I say 68 people? Yes, I did! The grounds of the Lydia Center were buzzing with activity as doors were being replaced on the cottages, as windows were being replaced in the child care room, as the heating/cooling systems were serviced and as windows were being caulked and cleaned.

The residents have already expressed how much warmer it is in the main building where they attend classes. The new windows in the child care room come at a perfect time as a children’s ministry coordinator has been hired and is planning to start in December. Yeah! The children will have a warm place to play and sleep!

As a way to bless the group, the residents baked cookies and delivered them to the company. Here is part of a thank you note we received. “And as far as the cookies, everyone is enjoying them immensely. The thank you card was quite an encouragement too-especially the personal notes that everyone took time to write. It meant so much to us to know how the Community Work Day has benefitted each person individually. What a blessing this was to us!”

Thank you, JK Mechanical, Inc. for your generosity and service! We are grateful and blessed to see how you took time, resources, and energy to invest in our ministry.

Lisa Good, Lydia Center Program Counselor

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