It was a coupon for 7 dollars off any grocery order over $65. I smiled and thanked her and then told her she had just helped feed the ladies at the Lydia Center.
She said “Praise the Lord” to which I replied “Amen”. “You must be a believer” she said as she walked away and I smiled.
I gained a new friend that day. I don’t know her name and I probably won’t see her again this side of Heaven but I will remember for a long time the smiles and the words we shared that day.
As I shared this story, the residents here were blessed with this woman’s giving heart. So many hearts join in the ministry of the Lydia Center. Some names are known to us, others aren’t. Regardless, please be assured that we appreciate your generous gifts and do our best to share the love of Christ here on Grace Plateau.
- Paula Sentgeorge • Lydia Center, Kitchen Manager
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