Can you think of a time recently when you were having a conversation that made your jaw drop open in disbelief and excitement? I recently felt that very joy and excitement when a girl at Teen Haven York shared about how God has been working in her life. Here’s what happened…
I was on my van route throughout the city to provide transportation for girls to attend our Bible Study at Teen Haven York. As we drove one of the students, Cecilia*, told me that she gave her life to Christ this past weekend at Teen Haven Camp! She told me that Mr. Vinny (our Camp Field Director) shared in chapel about how loving God and loving others are the expression of our belief in Christ. Then she explained that she learned how this type of love is actually ‘fruit’ in our relationship with God. I was ecstatic to hear of her application of his teaching, because she was challenged by our theme of ‘bearing fruit’ for God. She even told me that her experience at Teen Haven Camp, “was the greatest weekend of her life.”
As I listened to Cecilia’s* enthusiasm and newfound faith my heart rejoiced at the way God is working in her life. Throughout our evening of Bible Study with the 12 girls, it was so exciting to see them all learning and growing together.
Please join me in praying for Cecilia* and the other girls involved in our programs at Teen Haven. Pray that they would continue to discover God’s love, and learn that he wants to bring them healing freedom and joy! Also, pray for us as we continue to work to reach out to others here in our community, that God would bring us those that need Him most!
Alex Mikusow, Teen Haven, York City Field Director
*name changed
This Spring, we’re inviting you to revive your partnership with Water Street Ministries. Through your prayers and your giving, you can revive lives and advance God’s Kingdom.
Will you join us?
- Send a special gift this Spring. Donate online.
- We welcome your wisdom and counsel. Email us at Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org.
- Commit to pray for God’s wisdom, provision, and the organization as a whole. Sign up for our Prayer Calendar.
For more information, visit www.WaterStreetMinistries.org/Revive, email Contact@WaterStreetMinistries.org or call Keith at (717) 358-2010.
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