Friday, February 02, 2007

Family traditions at camp

It's great to see how God can impact entire families through camp ministry, both as campers and servants...

  • Steven Jr. (15) - I had an opportunity to sit down and chat with a young man that has been part of the ministry since his diaper stage. Steve is walking in the steps of his dad. Steve White Sr. came years ago as a camper and developed into a supervisor. He came to know his wife through the ministry and started to take on the responsibilities of a husband, father and servant of Christ. When Steven Jr. came along he started to follow his dad’s steps in serving the Lord at camp. Steven senior ministers during older guys weekends in programs, prize presentation and teaching Scripture. As he serves the kids, Steve Jr. serves in the kitchen and as an assistant cabin supervisor. Like father like son!
  • Andy & Andrew (15) - Andy came to us years ago as a camper and developed a love for the kids and a hearts desire to serve the Lord. He has married and has a son and daughter. When the opportunity comes, he takes great pleasure in joining us to serve our kids. This past weekend Andy served with his son as his assistant. What a powerful team and great witness to the campers as they see the joy of a father and son serving the Lord.
  • Husband & Wife Team - This past girls weekend, it was very special to see our newly weds serve together. Rodney in the kitchen and his bride, JoAnne, supervising a cabin of young ladies. A powerful witness for our female campers. The joy of marriage and serving the Lord together.

-Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp

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