Friday, February 16, 2007

Least of these, Study pt 3

Continuing to look at what the Bible has to say about responding to people in need...

What is a faithful response?

  • James 2:14-18; Is my faith evidenced by how I live my life? Is it evidenced in my interactions with my children? My co-workers? My brothers and sisters at Crossroads Mennonite Church?
  • Is my faith evidenced in my interactions with those who come to me with need? Do I send them away, hungry and confused, until they get this i dotted or t crossed? Have I regulated away the need to meet the physical needs of those in our community?
  • How do I handle the unexpected phone call, the interruption into my quiet night or trip to the store? Does my faith shine through then? Or does it only shine through when I am “on the clock” and have my ministry face on (and is that really shining?) ?
  • Father, Let your love and my faith be the evidence of my life and intentions as I serve joyfully and gratefully for all you have done for me… In Christ’s name … Amen.

-Rick Rutter, formerly Director of Outreach Ministries

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say that the WSRM has "never" turned me away when I was hungry or had a need. But has always faithfully ministered to my needs (both physical and spiritual) even as it continues today to meet my spiritual needs in unexpected ways: through these posts on its web-site. Heaven is full of fullness, and blessed are those who hunger and thirst. Our emptiness or brokenness can be filled or fixed if we but ask it in faith. God still does miracles today. I pray that the staff, residents, and volunteers of the WSRM may continue to sow to the spirit (Gal. 6:7-9)

SGT David Tomlinson ,
former mission resident