Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Least of these, Study pt 4

What happens when we respond?
  • Acts 2:43-47
  • Why do we worry so much about revival and filling our pews and yet neglect those outside the doors of our churches in the communities that God has placed us in. Why do we drive for miles to find the perfect church so we can get in, get our worship on, and get out, without ever having to engage the people around us … including our neighbors? Oooops, sorry. I didn't mean we, I meant why do I!
  • Let’s see, people devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, communion, and prayer – and the church grew. People ministered to the needs (without shooting the wounded) of the poor in their midst – and the church grew. Evangelism occurred as people noticed a faithful response by God’s people to God’s people – and the church grew. Hmmmm, I wonder … what might happen if I was that devoted to God and my brethren? What about you? Just a thought…..
  • Father, may your Spirit challenge me to be devoted in all areas of my life and relationship with you – that your kingdom would be glorified and grow because of the heart and relationships among your people… In Jesus’ name … Amen.

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