Monday, March 12, 2007

Least of these, Pt 5

The final installment in our study about responding to the needs of the "least of these."

Why do we respond?
  • 1 John 3:16-18
  • It is really quite simple – I respond because God loves me and as a result I love Him. That’s it in its simplest form. Anything else is window dressing. Its His love for me that drew me to Him, That even allowed for Him to desire to seek me, and to send Jesus on a mission for me. I respond – because its not about this world – and its not about me – its about God, His kingdom, and His desire that none should perish. Imagine using me (and you) so that none should perish.
  • I respond because it is the evidence of my love for my Creator and His abundant love abiding in my heart. Oh, that I would get it right more often ….
  • Father, “let me not love with word or tongue, but in deed and truth” …. Amen.

- Rick Rutter, former Director of Outreach Ministries (now owner of Bubba's Breakaway)

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