Monday, March 19, 2007

Finding Favor

One of my favorite Bible characters is Queen Esther. I suppose the fairy tale like image of a quiet little Jewish girl capturing the heart of the great king and becoming his queen would appeal to most people. We probably all long for the sudden rags to riches moment in our own lives, especially on those days when it seems like our own little world is falling apart around us.

Recently I’ve had the opportunity to study the story of Esther in greater detail and I have just begun to discover what it was that made her such a great person. Through reading and studying the book Finding Favor with the King by Tommy Tenney, I’ve been discovering the secrets of her success! Hidden among palace protocol is an in depth look at the purpose of the Bible – access to the very presence of God. The book of Esther holds the secrets to developing a relationship with God that leads us in to the very presence of the King Himself. Esther spent a year preparing herself for one night with the king in the hopes that she would find favor with him and become his queen. That year of preparation led far beyond her expectations to the point that put her in a place to save an entire nation from total annihilation.

Esther lived in the palace and studied the king during her year of preparation. She made it her goal to know his likes and dislikes. She was more concerned with knowing what would please him than she was with knowing what the kingdom had to offer her. In the same way we need to worship God for who He is and to bring Him honor rather than concerning ourselves with what He can do for us! We need to study our King in order to enjoy the intimacy that comes from spending time with someone we love. The greatest lesson we can learn from Esther is to fall in love with the King! Coming to God through a heart of genuine worship and praise brings us into the very presence of the King and we can enjoy His favor. Who knows what great thing being in the presence of our King will come from His favor. What is God preparing you for through an intimate relationship with Him?

It only took one night with the king to turn the peasant girl Esther into a princess. One moment in the presence of God can change our lives forever. So don’t worry about your future. Instead spend time preparing for your moment of favor. Intimacy with the King can change everything!

-Lorraine Brandt, Wonder Club

(Ironically, not knowing that Lorraine's post would be about Esther, my 5 yr-old daughter just drew the picture above, "Esther visits the king," for me to bring to work -- Jack C, Teen Haven)

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