Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Learning to be responsible...

Learning to be responsible can be difficult. Once you have learned this, change isn’t hard. Water Street Rescue Mission absolutely teaches change. It’s available, if the individual wants it. Adapting to change & structure is the model. Succeeding is what everyone should aim for. Once learning to trust the Program Staff & Counselors, dealing with the day’s situations becomes easier. This is not to say that everything is always smooth. Life here has its “moments”. This is when you learn to have a high tolerance level.

One of the biggest issues that God stresses is being humble. This being a Christian organization, devoting yourself to Bible studies during your stay here is a part of what we do. This can pick you up on the sad days and even make you think about life in a different way. Having faith will give you hope. Wanting something and having a group of people supporting you makes it possible to give your life to God.

All of the pain does not leave over night. Patience is a learning process, here. Healing is a learning process, here. And, we learn because we want to learn. I was looking for change so I came here. Blessing is in it for me. I’m close to the Staff. I finished my time here and chose to come back to finish the Learning Center and for Bible Study. I can say that I’ve received help from the Water Street Rescue Mission.

- Dominai (Learning Center Student)

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