Thursday, April 12, 2007

Volunteering—through the eyes of a Learning Center Tutor…

Coming to Water Street Rescue Mission to volunteer is one of the most exciting steps I have ever taken. After a year and a half of a college education at Millersville University, I have started to learn who I am as a person in God, in the classroom, and in the world. Volunteering in the Learning Center has given me the opportunity to spread my wings and practice the lessons I have learned in the classroom. It has also taught me lessons that are unable to be taught in the classroom.

One of the most exciting things I have been learning by volunteering is the mission of WSRM and the Learning Center. As a born-again, Jesus-seeking Christian, I value and am passionate about having others come to know Christ. The fact that this is the mission of the agency as well as the staff is so exciting. By seeing the passion in Norm and Sue, I have developed a passion to see the students in the Learning Center come to a true relationship with God as well. My passion keeps growing as I get to know each of the students in the learning center and hear their stories. Some are still searching for something to fill the void but some are new Christians fervently seeking the will of God and that is what fuels my fire. Most people getting started into volunteering are seeking to help others. This is what I was expecting but I feel that the students and staff in at the Learning Center have taught me so much more then I could ever teach them.

- Kara (Millersville University Student)

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