Thursday, October 11, 2007

Everyone deserves a second chance...

Solomon aptly said, “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away…” Song of Songs 8: 7

Like most of our serious clients, Russell could barely stumble through the doors of the Water Street Rescue Mission. He had sold his life off for a steady handful of pills; a price that could no longer purchase relief. Dark shadows haunted Russell, reminding him of his life’s most painful memories; memories of a wife who now belonged to another and of a daughter and granddaughter who had grown up, without him; memories of countless broken promises.

On Russell’s first day with us, he met Chuck (men’s counselor) who simply began loving him to our precious Jesus. Imagine my joy, when Chuck called to share the news that Russell had accepted Jesus, flushed the pills, and was going to join our Christian Life Recovery Program (to change his life). For nearly 1 ½ years now, Russell has been following Jesus, “by faith”. He has surely relished the tender moments, when God would touch him in a deeply personal way, but mostly Russell has trusted Jesus, as he takes “one more” painful step of Recovery.

In September, I was blessed to attend a wedding with Russell. His daughter had invited her changing dad (and me) to share in her day. Imagine the immense Joy on Russell’s face, as a long line of relatives and friends from his past (relationships he thought were utterly destroyed) came up to shake his hand and to hug him, welcoming him back into their lives. And imagine a beaming Russell, as his daughter came with a welcoming hug saying, “Daddy, I have always wondered if you would be at my wedding but you came and you’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you”. Now imagine a happy man being hugged by a lovely little granddaughter (who he only held as a baby).

It was interesting to note that the scripture Russell’s daughter chose for her table gifts was the very first scripture Russell memorized, “Love is patient; love is kind…” How apt are the words of his former in-laws, “Everyone deserves a second chance, Russell”.

--Norm Lowry (Learning Center Coordinator)

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