Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's not fair that...

I was asked to assist my Pastor with a presentation at church relating to "justice and longing for God," so I decided to take a little poll of some staff and residents. Here are the results:

Please complete the following sentence:

"It's not fair that..."

…some people are homeless while others drive $80,000 cars past them
…some of us are allowed to work just one bad decision away from being homeless
…millions of children are undernourished and many of us throw away sinful quantities of food
…life is hard
…those who choose to live a healthy life free of smoking, alcohol & drug abuse, etc. still get cancer.
…young people die
…Some get over, others don’t
…Good things happen to bad people
…Bad things happen to good people
…Children suffer
…The rich get richer, the poor …
…I was born in America and … someone else was born in poverty
…my poverty disrupts my family
…people don’t know Jesus
…when we get wisdom it’s too late to stop what we shouldn’t have done
…when you commit to following Christ, you are not exempt from being emotionally & physically abused by Christians.
…Christians harshly judge others by their political choices
…I am the one who sinned, and Jesus is the sinless One who became sin for me, and gave me His righteousness instead.
…the Lord gave us the Love Commandment, and the Holy Spirit to enable us to do it, and yet we treat each other as if we were not even His children.
… I have parents that love God, each other, my siblings and me, while so many of my struggling brothers and sisters in Christ do not know what it is like to be in a nurturing environment like I was.
…we got off the hook at Jesus’ expense
…some couples try unsuccessfully for years to have children they would love, while other couples breed like rabbits to produce children they don't want
…there are millions of children without parents, and adoption costs tens of thousands of dollars and years of red tape
…the biggest disease on the planet is loneliness
…the burden (and often, cost) of raising children too often falls to the mother.
…grown children disrespect and disregard their parents and/or grandparents.
…I have been wrongly accused by another
…I was grounded this weekend
…I don’t have his office
…you have more money than I do
…so many people live in poverty and I live in abundance
…some of us had opportunities for education and advancement, while others were stuck in situations of merely striving for subsistence
…I sit here with a full stomach typing on the computer, while people have just died from starvation

- Debbie Miller, Administration

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