Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The $75 Adventure

Here's our first attempt to include a video clip on our blog... hope you like it (you may have to click the "play" arrow twice to get it to run). This comes from a friend of the Mission who created a unique opportunity to teach his daughters about sharing with others:

The last time I worked for my Uncle I picked up lunch for his workers, but forgot to give him the change back—it was a $75 mishap. The next day, realizing my mistake, I called him up. He joked with me a little bit at first, but then told me to keep the money and spend it on my children. My uncle and aunt, although very generous and kind do not know the Lord. We pray for them continually and seek out opportunities to “show” them how a follower of Christ lives.

My 3 daughters, ages 6, 4, and 1 have plenty of toys and clothes. We have a tight budget but we make it work every month.They were in need of nothing, so we decided to give them an opportunity to give the money away.

After some family discussion, I took the $75, added $25 of our own, grabbed my two eldest daughters and jumped in our van. On the way to Amelia’s Grocery Outlet, I called Maurice and asked him what he needed. He told me the kitchen needed juice, so the 3 of us filled up 2 carts with 100 containers of juice. We nearly cleaned out Amelia’s juice aisle. The best part was we videoed the entire experience from start to finish. It was an incredible opportunity to model for my children the value of giving to those in need. We talked about why the Rescue Mission exists and how they love people It was a $100 lesson that was worth 10 times that amount. The next day I edited the video, which we entitled “the $75 Adventure,” burned it to a DVD and sent it to their house. My Aunt and Uncle loved the video and were thrilled to see their money at work.

- Jason, friend of the Mission

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YO JASON! dude haha 3 containers of juice left you kiddin me?!?!
-Kid Flash(you know who i is)