Thursday, March 06, 2008

New hope in the "Refuge of Healing"

Some days I wonder if what we are doing in the Clinics is making a difference, and then God goes and does this as presentation of His power and Spirit at work!

The Water Street Medical Clinic agreed to be the clinical sight for “The Refuge of Healing” Christian counseling services starting in the spring of 2007. The number of patients from all over the community is growing! Many have come and been helped, with some having very slow progress. The needs some weeks seem overwhelming and we spend much time in prayer before and after each session.

Then last week, God brought in a young couple where she is pregnant with his child and he is caring for her child from a previous relationship. She tells the counselor that he is beating her and he admits that yes he is. That alone is a big step for the abuser to readily admit that he is abusive and that he has such rage that he doesn’t know what to do.

As they told their story and the counselor gave godly insight you could see the anger dissipate and the hurt and heart of the matter came forward. The lack of love in both of their lives was heart breaking and they were living as they knew. The counselor then told them about love that is all consuming, all forgiving and all healing through Jesus Christ. They both knew of Him but didn’t Know Him personally. They both prayed for Christ to forgive them and to help them. They prayed the prayer of believing that Jesus is God’s Son that died for them. Praise God, I could feel heaven celebrating!

God keeps bringing this young couple to mind this week and I know to pray for them for Satan will not be happy that they have given their lives over to Christ. I am praying they remember to pray, reach out to the believers they have set them up with for support, and to return for more counseling on Christ’s healing and strength in their lives. The road with Christ is fraught with danger from the evil one, but we know who wins! They (I) may stumble and fall, but forgiveness and hope is just a prayer away. He loves to pick us up, dust off the dirt of where we have been, and send us on His path. The little one they had with them and the one yet unborn will have hope as their parents learn to live with the hope and strength of Christ for a new life! Lord, break the cycle in people’s lives of pain and hopelessness and use us as your servants to others.

- Gale Thomason, Water Street Clinics

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