Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Gathering Place - reflecting the heart of God

The Gathering Place is a ministry in Lancaster City that works with people who have HIV or AIDS. This year, they are commemorating their 20th anniversary. Water Street Rescue Mission partners with them in meeting the needs of hurting people and is grateful for how God has used them to His glory in such a vital and redemptive way. The following is a letter from honoring their anniversary:

When I think of the Gathering Place …

I am reminded of many things when I think of the Gathering Place.

First I think of who God is and how Jesus came to this earth most purposefully to meet the broken and hurting, those who carry labels like poor, homeless, addict, and HIV-positive. That these people - who are truly most invisible to most of society – are treated with respect and dignity by the Gathering Place reflects the very heart of God.

I think too of how the Gathering Place embodies faithfulness as the staff and volunteers remain true to the founding vision of always being ‘there for’ the clients most especially when their situation is most dire and their suffering most great. This too reflects the heart of God.

And I am reminded of how trustworthy God is but also how unpredictable. Who could have predicted His choice of a construction guy to receive the vision for this ministry and His use of this same guy to flesh out the vision every day in such a redemptive and compelling way? Who He chose to lead this ministry reflects the wisdom of His heart also!

So to Bob and Melanie and to all the staff and volunteers of the Gathering Place we thank you for your colleagueship, your heart, your vision, your mission, your service, your compassion, your love for the least and the lost. May God be glorified as you embark on the next twenty years.

Truly, thank you.

All our love,

Steve Brubaker
Director of Residential Programs
Water Street Rescue Mission

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