Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank you to leaders...

We're doing something a little different at Teen Haven Camp this weekend.

Usually during the school year, camp runs a 3-1 schedule. 3 weeks of Teen Haven Camp - kids from Philadelphia, York, and Lancaster come to camp and Teen Haven staff run the program; and 1 week of an outside church rental - church runs their own program and Teen Haven staff provide background support (facilities, meals, etc).

During the "Teen Haven Camp" weekends, anywhere from 5-15 teenage leaders from our city ministries serve various roles to make the camp run smoothly, and to minister to the campers. The teens serve as cabin supervisors, junior counselors, kitchen staff, and occasionally maintenance assistants.

By the time a young teen with leadership potential is 16 years old, they may be done with their years of being "just a camper."

Well, this weekend is just for those special teens who have given of themselves to serve God, to serve Teen Haven, and to serve other youth from their communities. This weekend is a special leaders retreat. No campers to watch, no scheduled activities to supervise, not even any training seminars or workshops to make them better leaders. Just a weekend of fun and fellowship. A weekend of "Thank you for giving of yourselves to help others."

Please pray that all the teen leaders who attend this "Thank you" weekend will have a safe, restful, and fun weekend at Teen Haven Camp.

Our ministry would not be the same without their selfless service.

-Jack Crowley, Teen Haven

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