Monday, March 02, 2009


Being in school for a full-day can be exhausting for a 4 year old. Because of that, we incorporate a short "nap time" into our full-day pre-K classes at Wonder Club. Sometimes the kids have other ideas...

"The other day at nap time there were about five children that just did not want to nap. You know, feet up in the air, going to the bathroom 1-2 times. They simply would not rest. Nap time was almost over, when I was doing some work. I started to softly sing "White As Snow, my sins are forgiven." Half way through, I forgot the rest of the words so I stopped singing. To my delight I continued to hear the song being sung by five soft voices. When they were finished I started to sing more songs which they joined in. The other children woke up and joined into the song. We had our own little hymn sing, how precious!"

- Karen Smith, Wonder Club, Assistant Pre-K Teacher

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hello! I was wondering, does Water Street have a library? And if so, is it managed by any sort of staff? Thanks!