Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Little Blessings

Working in the front office I get so see many of the residents throughout the week, there is one particular family I have gotten to know. This single mom is usually trying to control her rowdy four and five year old while caring for her other younger children. These two adorable kids like to wander the dining hall at lunch, sometimes getting into trouble. With other little ones to attend to Mom has a difficult job trying to keep everyone together.

In the past few months, since the birth of the newest child, the older daughter seems to be taking more responsibility. The other day Mindy* wasn’t running around the dining hall, instead I saw her carefully carrying a full tray to the table. Her sweet little face was focused in concentration as she walked cautiously as to not spill its contents. It was a big help to her mom who had a stroller to push and other lunch items to carry. It’s great to see that God is working in Mindy’s* life to bless her mom.

*name changed
- Emily Towers, Water Street Mission

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