Monday, August 17, 2009

Outreach Ministries - Serving our Community

Last Tuesday, we found there was more donated produce than we could distribute through Outreach Ministries so we loaded a pallet of bread/pastry and a pallet of cantaloupe and took it to the streets. Two of the program men came along, one made a sign that read “From God to you” which we hung on the back of the truck. When we found the right spot off South Duke Street we pulled over and displayed the free goodies. One of the residents of Men’s Ministry headed off with small gospels of John to invite people to come and partake of the free food while we waited at the truck. Curious folks soon came to see what was going on and word spread fast once it got out!!

There were many neat things about this experience. We could communicate how God remembers them and is the one who ultimately provided this gift for them. It was a delight to see the expressions on faces and answer the “how many can I have question” with “as much as you can use but no more!” One of the men who came along made the connection that this is one thing his pastor was talking about on Sunday when he said – “love God, love people and impact your community” What a joy to help spread out the bountiful harvest God has given again this summer!

Dean Wenger – Redistribution Manager

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