Thursday, August 27, 2009

Teen Haven Camp: Testimonies & Transformation

Throughout the summer, there have been hundreds of urban youth who have spent one week encountering the beauty of God’s creation and serenity at Teen Haven Camp. Tomorrow will be the final day of camp for summer 2009. Please join us in praying for lasting change in the hearts and young lives of the campers. Pray that God would remind them that THEY ARE STRONGER IN HIM alone. Also, pray that they would know and experience God’s continuing mercy and peace, and remember that He desires to walk with them through all challenges they may experience.

Below is a specific testimony of the transformation that impacted the life of a young girl at Teen Haven Camp…

From the start of the week, she made known that she did not want to be at camp. She wasn’t a troubling child. She wept and would not take part in some activities and insisted on going home.

I spoke to her and asked what she did while at home. “I watch T.V. and like to read books a lot.” I encouraged her to stay away from the T.V and to continue reading. I also reminded her of the importance of being very selective in reading “good stuff”. At that point, out of the blue, she asked me for a Bible. I said on one condition, “You read it through once!” She smiled and agreed. I told her to remind me Friday before she left for home.

She came up to me on Friday and reminded me of our agreement. I gave her a brand new Bible. She embraced it and smiled. I reminded her of her promise. She smiled and said, “I will! Thank you.” Some plant, some water but the Lord gives the increase. Praise Him!

- Vinny Mikusow, Teen Haven Camp Field Director

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